Friday, May 31, 2013

Happy Friday!

Well it's friday again!  Sorry that I haven't posted in a week. It's been a crazy week! I can describe how my week has been in four words... School's...out...for.. summer.    So, you just pictured kids at the swimming pool or running thru the sprinkler in the afternoon sun, or maybe picnics with fresh watermelon at the park, right?  Not me.  I pictured WWIII occurring in my basement because Nate won't let Ryan play the xbox. Toys and clothes and god knows what else scattered throughout my house. Kids running, screaming, yelling, hanging off chandeliers, and most of all... an empty pantry.  What is it with kids and eating constantly?  Especially when other kids come over. Do their parents not feed them? (Not you, Kami. I know you feed my kids as well!) I don't know how four kids can devour an entire box of cereal, gallon of milk, and one dozen donuts and STILL be "hungry" an hour later. It's going to be a LONG two and half months.......

I've done a little bit of cardio from videos On-Demand by Cox, but it's been too rainy to go running outside. I did convince Brian to go for a 2 mile walk with me instead of going home to nap after brunch on Sunday. Maddy enjoyed the view of the Papio Creek from his jogging stroller. We also scoped out the Bellevue Berry Farm from the trail.  Have to say, I LOVE where we built our house. It feels out in the country, and Target is 2 minutes away.
I'm also doing better about food. Instead of grabbing burgers and fries, we did Subway and Jimmy John's (hold the mayo!).  I fell off the wagon last night when I stopped for my usual zero calorie peach white tea at Quik Trip.  Those damn oatmeal raisin cookies stood up on the shelf, did a kick line and chanted my name. I figured one treat would be a good reward for being good?  It tasted damn good too!  But now I'm back on the wagon, that's slowly rolling along.

I almost forgot! I did The Color Run with one of my besties, last weekend!! I warned her ahead of time that I couldn't run like she could. My lungs just aren't "there" yet. My legs were fine with jogging, but my chest closed up and I couldn't breathe. So I had to walk a lot of it. BUT we were out there for fun, which we had a blast! And got REALLY dirty!! I looked like a rainbow had vomited on me by the end! I'm still cleaning blue and red dust out of my ears! Can't wait to do another one!

I can tell I'm getting into better shape because last night, I had to run from a kids house to my car (about half a block) due to the downpour of rain and cloud to ground lightning. I DID IT without feeling like I was going to die! I got to my car and WASN'T panting like a dog in hundred degree heat! I was very proud of myself.  This weekend, I have plans to get back out on the trail and look for some new healthy recipes to try next week.  I'm all for suggestions if you have any!!! Please share!

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