Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day One: Getting up off my lazy butt!

Hi! Welcome to my blog! I've never blogged before but someone recommended it yesterday so I thought, heck, I'll try it. Not for my own good, but maybe this will help another fat mommy out there who is wanting to find that inner skinny girl again.
I'm an overweight mommy of five. Four from my previous marriage and one from my current marriage. Jacob is going to be 14, Nathan is 12, Megan is 10, Ryan is 8 and Maddux is 16 months. I work full time tracking juveniles on probation and working with families in trouble. I'm also a full time student finishing my bachelor's of science to go on and get my master's in physician assistant. Needless to say, I have no time and I'm fat. I can admit that. I started out at over 205 pounds in January and completely miserable. I hated looking in the mirror. I hated all my big clothes too and watching Biggest Loser just made me feel worse.
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia last year after enduring YEARS of unexplainable pain and depression. I've lost thirty pounds using weight watchers which has helped some but also I didn't like how the meds made me feel (like I couldn't put two thoughts together) so I decided on Sunday to stop all medication and make a lifestyle change. My current lifestyle is probably just like that of every other fat mommy, FULL of excuses. I'm too tired to exercise. I'm too busy to eat right. Grabbing Burger King is so much easier than actually planning and cooking a healthy meal. Etc, Etc, Etc.... so I've decided to end the excuses and thus, here's the beginning of my blog.

DAY ONE-175 pounds:  I got about five hours of sleep last night, so getting up to take kids to school was a chore. I REALLY wanted to go back to bed when I got home, but instead I forced myself to put on a cardio video on the free zone section of Cox On Demand. Once I got started, I thought "Hey this isn't so bad, and I'm sweating so must be doing something right!"  I did the first 20 minutes before feeling like I was going to die. I was too sweaty to sit down so I then decided to take our spaz of a new puppy for a walk, thinking that maybe someday, I can turn her into a jogging partner. We jogged for about two blocks, before she tried to kill me by running under and across my feet. After my boobs met the cement sidewalk and my butt was aching from all the jiggling and bouncing, I thought we'd better stick to walking. So we walked one and half times around the subdivision. I felt pretty darn proud of myself. I'm also not tired anymore! So now time to shower and then run errands... I'm also putting some chicken in the crockpot for dinner (no pizza!) and plan on baking a low calorie berry cobbler so we can still have our sweets but hopefully stay on my weight-loss plan.


  1. Hey barb..ill be reading. Im a fat mommy on a journey too. Started at 465 3 years ago. Down to about 218. Still have a lot of excuses though. They never go away. Best of luck. Ill be watching!!! Lol

    1. Wow! You are my inspiration. That is such an amazing amount of weight loss!! You should still be very proud of yourself! Thank you for following me!!

  2. Thanks for sharing barb! this is a tough lifelong journey for lots of us out there so thanks for sharing. I will be tuning in!

    1. Thanks Marci! I think it's a tough issue and extremely hard to deal with alone. Weight is so personal to the majority of people, so I'm putting it out there hoping that we can all support each other and know that you're NOT alone. Sometimes it just takes a push from someone to get you going! Thanks for following!!
